Via Magna

630 Miles Done - Judging Others

Brian Venegas
February 6, 2025

Day 18 marked 630 total miles run. A couple of miles remain, but no insurmountable obstacles yet—though obstacles, there have been.

Day 16 introduced a lingering Achilles concern: after clocking 12 miles before Mass, Johnny added another 6 miles alongside his brother-in-law Sebastian (who traveled from Pasadena, CA to join for a stretch). The final two miles of the day, however, were limped out due to increasing Achilles discomfort. We’re grateful that, while the days since haven’t been straightforward, they also haven’t seen the Achilles issue or Johnny’s foot pain worsen, and they have seen his lingering GI issues lessen.

This Achilles concern raises several thoughts. Difficulties arise; difficulties recede. If our perspective is limited to the moment of difficulty, we could be tempted to despair. If our perspective is limited only to the moment of ease, we’ll be all the more disheartened when that moment passes. This narrow way of seeing our lives is limited not just to ourselves, but to those around us.

Too often, we make an permanent judgement of another based on a single moment of failure. But people make mistakes— and they change.

For instance, King David wasn’t looking too holy after that his indiscretions with Bathsheba. Nonetheless, God ordained that David be known as “a man after His own heart.”

David was not defined by that single failure. He was defined by his faith in God, whom he failed grievously but returned to nonetheless.

David had the right perspective: God is in it for the long haul. The journey is not short— it’s barren, desolate, and stretches far. But—there is an end worth pursuing.

May we all persevere in that pursuit.

Thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, and your unwavering support.

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