Via Magna

Frustration and Trust

Joe Meyers
February 6, 2025

The first week of Via Magna has been a whirlwind. Johnny has already covered 210 miles, speaking along the way at homes, colleges, and even the Norbertine Abbey of St. Michael’s. These events have sparked great conversations about Sebaste’s mission and the work God is doing in New Mexico. The excitement is real—and so are the challenges.

A pilgrimage of this nature is rarely straightforward. Thirty-five miles of running each day is tough, yet the obstacles off the road can be just as daunting. At the end of Day 5, we found ourselves stuck in sand on the roadside, the van immovable for hours. By the time it was finally freed, any hope of a long night’s sleep for Johnny was gone. Day 6 brought new delays: finding safe parking for the night far from where we’d stopped running, we had to retrace our steps backwards on the road just to resume the exact mile marker of Johnny’s run.

And of course, we are blessed with other unexpected trials: Day 5 revealed pain in Johnny’s right foot—a potential stress fracture. On Day 6, he taped it up and pressed on, but frustration began piling up. Fatigue, delays, pain—each an unwelcome companion in the vast desert where progress can be difficult to perceive.

We often talk about God’s plan for us in our lives and pay lip-service to His providence. “It’ll work out”,  “God has a plan”, “He’s in charge”, “Que sera sera”, “Whatever happens, happens”—all words we repeat almost daily.

But when reality strikes, and we are confronted by some adventure we did not expect—some suffering totally different from what we had planned on—we become frustrated and angry. We did not sign up for this. Our plans are laid waste. We are no longer in control. How could God allow this to happen?

It is especially these moments where God is present, waiting for us to come to Him. Giving us the opportunity to acknowledge that we are not in control, but that He is. In these times, He waits for us to surrender ourselves to His grace and accept the adventure that He has destined for us, rather than the one we had planned for ourselves. He waits for us to realize that He is not a part of our plan, but that we are a part of His.

If you have intentions you would like us to carry to the shrine of the North American Martyrs, please submit them here. We ask you to keep us in your prayers as we make this great pilgrimage across America.

Lastly, if you’d like to fuel the Via Magna—quite literally—please consider buying a tank of gas or donating in whatever way you can. Each contribution makes a  difference in sustaining Johnny’s run and spreading the message of Sebaste.

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